Hi, my name is Ethan Post and I love to tinker with computers and various technologies. I currently have over 5 years of experience in DevOps and previous I worked 2 years as a Software Engineer. Lately I have been bouncing back and forth between studying and building nueral networks, and studying for my CKA.
My true passions in life are learning new technologies and working on my personally projects that I hope someday will help others in someway. My favorite personal project that I have put together to date is my Notes project which can be found linked at the top of this page. In short I made all of my notes public on github and set up automation with github actions to publish these notes in a web format in case anyone can gain anything from the lessons I have learned in my life.
Another project that I am quite fond of is yacm (yet another configuration manager) . In short this project allows a user to define profiles for each of the systems they want to codify using a simplistic yaml syntax. Yacm allows you to define packages you want to install in a number of package managers, define services you want to enable with support for systemd and runit, and define user created exectuables you want to run between each of these steps. I use yacm to codify all of my personal machines and virtual machines.
Another key thing about me and many of the projects I have made is that I'm a huge emacs fan. In my perfect world emacs would be my full blown operating system, but due to the fact that it is single threaded and doesn't have a browser that can compete with most modern web browsers for now it will have to continue to only be 80% of my computer usage. It won't take long if you are poking around my github or my notes to notice that most of documentation and my notes are written in emacs org-mode, which is single handly the thing that made me start using emacs as I think it is my most powerful form of markup language I have ever seen.
I'm also not just a huge fan of linux and the open source world, but I have made a concerted effort to slowly cut intrusive technologies out of my life. I haven't booted into Windows in almost 2 years and I have deleted almost all social media out of life including LinkedIn, to the dismay of many of my employers and colleagues. Even though none of these big data collecting companies are going to notice the loss of one user I think it would unjust for me to use technologies that I do not support the practices of.
Someday I hope to find a way to make a living by helping advance the world in a better way. Whether this be through open source technologies or a way to develop technologies that can help better peoples lives that is my dream. For now though I just try to make an impact where I can outside of working for tech companies that never let their projects see the light of day outside of their ecosystem.
Overall if any of my work interests you or you would like to contact me about anything else feel free to reach out. Here is my email: